Twin Cities

Twin Cities

PMA Twin Cities District: Overcoming communication challenges with customers and suppliers in this socially distant world

next event

Tuesday, November 17, 2020


Customer interaction and relationship building is essential for any successful company.  Unfortunately, the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has forced many companies into panic mode as they search for ways to adapt and adjust. Join the PMA Twin Cities District for a webinar on overcoming communication challenges with customers and suppliers in this socially distant world. Topics that will be discussed:

• Reflecting on how we have worked with our vendors, customers, prospects and technical partners in the past, and what the new challenges are in this socially distant world

• How do we continue to connect with customers without buying dinner…or playing golf…or handing them hearing protection and safety glasses and walking into our plant?

• Let's get practical - we will discuss the nuts and bolts of showing up as an expert in the digital world

• Along with new challenges, the current remote work environment is breaking down barriers and spurring innovation.  We will discuss ways your team can rise above the negatives to creatively leverage the power of this new space.


Keith Wrage
Training & Technology Manager
Abdo Eick & Meyers LLP


12:00 - 1:00 p.m. CT


PMA member Free
Nonmember $25

After registering, attendees will receive an email with a link and passcode to the Zoom meeting.

For more information, please contact Amelia Poulin. To register over the phone, please contact Joe Zgrabik at 216-901-8800 ext. 144.

