Educational Foundation
“To enhance the supply of skilled workers by supporting and developing training and education programs and by improving the public image and awareness of careers in metalforming." - Foundation Mission

The PMA Educational Foundation was established in 1996 to help develop a trained, motivated workforce by initiating and supporting training, education and image-building programs with PMA member companies, educators, corporations, foundations and civic leaders across the country. We seek to meet the industry’s training and education needs.

Together, PMA Educational Foundation and the metalforming industry have made significant progress in delivering solutions to its workforce development needs by:
- Developing curriculum skill assessments and training materials
- Creating relationships between PMA Districts and local schools and workforce development providers
- Funding programs companies can replicate to elevate the skilled workforce able to meet changing industry demands
- Developing national skill standards through the National Institute for Metalworking Skills (NIMS), a national credentialing system for critical skilled metalforming jobs that helps a prospective employee seek a long-term industry career
- Creating the Student Ambassador Program and funding for the Center for Metalforming Careers
These initiatives have improved the perception of the industry to grow and improve the skills of today’s talent pool.
Governed by a 15-member Board of Trustees comprised of metalforming industry leaders and educators, the Foundation is dedicated to helping the $137-billion metalforming industry through its most critical challenge - the education, development and retention of a skilled workforce