PMA and NIMS Partnership


Solve the Skills Gap

Struggling to create, support, and sustain a comprehensive training program that meets the skill requirements of your company? The gap between worker skills and the skills needed to keep up with the pace of technology has widened. Mind the Gap!

How well do you conduct On-the-Job-Training? It’s typically not executed as well as you think. The overarching reality that employers discover with OJT is, a decision to train on the job is not a solution without knowing how to train on the job.

PMA and the National Institute for Metalworking Skills (NIMS) have partnered to simplify the training process so that your OJT truly helps people do their job correctly and efficiently, and your company excels!

Using Smart Training Solutions (STS) and METALFORM EDU, we can customize, modularize and allow for dynamic updates as your company, training and technology evolve.

It's as easy as

Step 1: We have an initial discussion about your current OJT process and show you a high level overview of how we can solve your challenges.

Step 2: You/your OJT stakeholders take a self-evaluation of your company’s internal OJT processes and the PMA team meets with you to review the results, giving us a current state Needs Analysis.

Step 3: We connect and align the STS software with your company to help you know when and how to execute OJT in the natural flow of work. Then we directly connect it all to PMA’s METALFORM EDU to conduct any potential online training with minimal disruption.

Simple. Productive. Efficient. Dynamic. Sustainable.

Intrigued? Ready to effectively transform the culture of training at your company? Contact the experts at PMA’s Workforce Development Team NOW to learn how to implement this forward-thinking, efficiency-refining, productivity-enhancing, and retention-improving validated training process! Call 216-901-8800 or email now to learn more.

PMA is one of the founding partners of the National Institute for Metalworking Skills (NIMS), established in 1995.
