Member Spotlight - Scott Prince
November 2016
Each month, the PMA Member Spotlight features an outstanding member sharing his/her insights into the latest industry trends and technologies.
Scott Prince
PMA is pleased to highlight Scott Prince, president and COO, Tella Tool & Mfg Co., Lombard, IL. Tella Tool is a leading custom job shop, with state-of-the-art capabilities that include tooling, stamping, fabricating and machining. The company manufactures precision metal work for a wide variety of industries, including aerospace, telecommunications, computer and automotive.
Read Scott's thoughts about game-changing metalforming technology, what keeps him up at night as a metalformer, and more!
We expect the implementation to have an immediate impact on our manufacturing processes, procedures and all operational activities in 2017, while providing the business intelligence needed to drive increased efficiencies, growth, profitability and all of our on-going continuous-improvement activities.
Read Scott's thoughts about game-changing metalforming technology, what keeps him up at night as a metalformer, and more!
Q: What is on your wish list for your shop next year and why?
A: Tella Tool & Mfg Co. launched the latest Plex Manufacturing Cloud technology in mid-2016 and is expected to have full implementation in Q1 2017. The goal is full integration of plant-floor data collection, bar coding, production tracking, ERP, PRP, tool and preventive maintenance, CRM, HR, accounting and more.We expect the implementation to have an immediate impact on our manufacturing processes, procedures and all operational activities in 2017, while providing the business intelligence needed to drive increased efficiencies, growth, profitability and all of our on-going continuous-improvement activities.
Q: What do you see as a technology game-changer for metalformers?
A: The continued focus on lightweight materials due to the regulatory standards from the EPA and NHTSA. This is driving the metalforming industry to continue evaluating the pros and cons of the new technologies required to support the various applications being introduced into the industry.Q: What would be on the agenda of your ideal metalforming conference?
A: Our organization believes these agenda items would have a positive influence on the company:1. Onboarding Process
2. Optimizing Sheetmetal Components by Simulation
3. Improving Business Processes in the Metalforming Industry
4. Integrating Automation into your Manufacturing Process
Q: As a metalformer, what keeps you up at night and why?
A: The lack of young talent entering the manufacturing field and the continued skills gap facing the metalforming industry are major concerns. A strong manufacturing industry is fundamental to our nation’s economic prosperity and filling the skills gap has not been an easy task for many companies. If the trend continues, it certainly can impact our ability to effectively implement new technologies and increase productivity for years to come.Q: What was the best piece of business advice you were ever given?
A: One of the best pieces of advice I read and took to heart was this: “One of the things that distinguishes those who truly make a difference is passion and hard work.” I always have believed this advice and have followed through on it in both my personal life and professional life.Q: If you could have a dinner party with three famous people (living or dead), who would you invite?
A: Joe Torre, Tony Robbins and Bill Gates. I would pick their brains on building a successful team, innovating a business and how to rise to the top of your capability. All three of these individuals have unique qualities and success stories in all of these topics.Other Member Spotlight Articles
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