Member Spotlight - Doug Johnson
March 2017
Each month, the PMA Member Spotlight features an outstanding member sharing his/her insights into the latest industry trends and technologies.
Doug Johnson
PMA is pleased to highlight Doug Johnson, president, Marion Manufacturing Co., Cheshire, CT. As a leader in progressive stamping and precision metal components, Marion Manufacturing handles orders from specialized low-volume custom components to high-volume commodity parts.
Read Doug's thoughts about game-changing metalforming technology, what is on his wish list for his shop, and more!
Read Doug's thoughts about game-changing metalforming technology, what is on his wish list for his shop, and more!
Q: As PMA is celebrating its 75th anniversary in 2017, what do you value most from being a member?
A: Membership at PMA offers many benefits to companies the size of Marion Manufacturing but the most valued at this time is networking. Membership in the Press Club networking group has been invaluable to the company. The interaction between members and the takeaways from our meetings help set the direction we take in many aspects of our business.Q: What is on your wish list for your shop this year and why?
A: Having just installed a new high-speed Minster Kyori press at the end of 2016, we have moved our focus for 2017 into our toolroom. On our wish list is a new wire EDM machine to replace two aging units. This will allow us to increase our capabilities in prototyping and tool building.Q: What do you see as a technology game-changer for metalformers?
A: Additive manufacturing is the fastest growing technology that we are watching closely. The capabilities of 3D printing when it comes to rapid prototyping is a game changer. I’m excited to see what new capabilities arrive in 2017.Q: What would be on the agenda of your ideal metalforming conference?
A: The Forming Our Future agenda for 2017 is a close match to my perfect agenda. I would add workforce development as my number one agenda item, followed by the planned session on rebranding manufacturing. We need to more accurately portray who we are in the eyes of our future workforce.Q: What was the best piece of business advice you were ever given?
A: My father always told me that if you want to be successful in life you must be a good moral and ethical leader with your family, friends, employees and customers. If you do this, you will always be able to look in the mirror and like who you see.
Q: If you could have a dinner party with three famous people (living or dead), who would you invite?
A: 1. Bill Belichick – How do you get the best out of people who have not performed for other teams.
2. Ronald Reagan - Reaganomics and leadership skills.
3. John Wayne – Childhood hero!
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